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OT 'twas the witch of November come stealin'


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November 10, 1975 I remember this when if first came across the news. Still gives me the jitters...



The wreck shook Great Lakes shipping to its carlings. To this day, 35 years later, freighters won't get underway on Lake Superior if there's a storm in the forecast





A profile in courage for the men of the Arthur M. Anderson to go back out in that storm to look for survivors.


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In 1975 I was in high school, in Southern California, and don't remember hearing about that at all.


I did purchase Gordon Lightfoot LP's back then, and I knew the song, but I had always assumed that the incident had happened many decades before the writing of the song.


I guess I was a bit clueless back then. Of course, now I know pretty-much everything.

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I was living in Minneapolis when that happened and was glued to WCCO-AM listening to the reports. I still get chills when I hear that song, and it also made me take a closer listen to Gordon. He's a hell of a player as well as a songwriter. He was also awesome in concert on the handful of times that I have seen him.

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