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MetalheadUK....Down but not out....


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Don't worry, y'all ... even if his lavly Jan wasn't gonna be onset to keep a watchful eye on things, I'd make sure he (a) drinks plenny water to ensure he's adequately hydrated, (b) gets some food to keep his blood sugar up, © restricts his cider intake and (d) gets an adequate dose of rockin' blooze to counteract all other influences. He won't be rejoining the Carpet inspectors' Club on MY watch ... or Buffalo Bill's!

To paraphrase Ratae C ... Metalhead Marc, the Man Who Rocks Too Much!!!!

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wow dude glad you r ok!missing teeth r {censored}in` horrible i lost one of mine playin rugby and was afraid to talk!what u hear in your head is nothing like you realy sound(so i am informed)!respect for playin the show!and mojo sent!

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Somebody drop something in your cider? Years ago some asshole bought my band a round of drinks and laced them with LSD. I hope that's all it was and not a deeper health issue.

On with the show!




A sad possibility these days.

Otherwise, a full check up because people should not pass out and end up so damaged for no reason.

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I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. Hopefully, from here on out, you'll be on the fast track to full recovery!

Regarding the "missing hour" of time, I'll bet I know what happened. You were sitting at the bar enjoying "Electric Wizard" when, all of the sudden, a small mosh pit began to develop in front of the band. Being the traditional punk that you are, it wasn't long before you joined the mosh pit action. After about 45 minutes of healthy mosh action, 4 young blokes grabbed hold of you and gave you a hearty toss across the club. Unfortunately, you experienced a bit of bad luck and landed on a chair, face first. You were knocked unconscious, the paramedics arrived to assist and the rest is history!

In all seriousness, you probably didnt pass out but were instead knocked out and cant remember what happened because of the head trauma...

Either way, hope it was nothing serious and that youre okay now :wave:

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