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Wow. Cheap & Wow.


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That is a good deal.

If I didn't already have 3 of those type of guitars, I'd be grabbing one.

One note of the caution though, having seen those in the flesh, the color is very much a yellow. It's not a pale yellow like what I might expect for "TV Yellow", but still, for that price, that's a good deal. When I saw them at a GC, I thought the red was quite a bit more attractive.

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That is a good deal.

If I didn't already have 3 of those type of guitars, I'd be grabbing one.

One note of the caution though, having seen those in the flesh, the color is very much a yellow. It's not a pale yellow like what I might expect for "TV Yellow", but still, for that price, that's a good deal. When I saw them at a GC, I thought the red was quite a bit more attractive.



...tempting to buy one and refinish in seafoam green :)

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The yellow on these guitars have more of a green-ish tint to them than a true TV Yellow. It looks fine, though, and is only really noticeable when next to a true TV Yellow guitar (or at least what Gibson is calling TV Yellow now days). Man, that is a great price for a set neck dual P-90 Epi.



IDK I saw one in a Guitar Center the other day and I didn't like how the yellow looked. It definately looked off from the pictures.

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