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It finally arrived today. 2010 Les Paul Traditional Pro. My only gripe is the action is real low but it plays so easily I may keep it that way.


The finish is flawless and the satin finish on the neck is real comfy. The coil taps are useless IMO as they are super.twangy but if you play country it would be suitable.


It weighs just under 10 pounds. Not a light weight by any means but you wont need to see the chiropractor either.


Without further ado here's some crappy pics from my phone.





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That's a nice looking Les Paul.

I'm not up to date on the different Les Paul models. What features make it traditional?



Its a Traditional Pro. Which can be confusing because there is also Traditional and Traditional Plus.


Mine has the non chambered body, just weight relieved liked the standards from the 80s and 90s. It has the slim 60s style neck, locking tuners, coil taps to make the humbuckers single coil. Also the finish on the back is satin rather than gloss.


Its only available through Guitar Center and Musicians Friend.


I think it is a hell of a guitar. I like it better than the 2007 standard I had and sold a few years ago.

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Probably my favorite Les Paul color. Nice!


Can't... Resist.... Urge.... to....... link.......




Screw me though, if it floats yor boat then :thu:. Just cause I'm past my clown burst phase doesn't mean anyone else has to be. I was in awe of the clown burst for 20+ years.

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