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Fender Powerhouse Strat. Anyone have one?


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Was just curious. I can't recall ever seeing them mentioned here. I have one but it hangs on my wall most of the time. Pulled it down today and started playing around with it and it's actually a pretty nice guitar. Strats aren't my favorite but the active boost on it gives it a little more balls than most other strats I've played. Might have to take it out to a gig one of these days.


Anyone else played one or have one? What do you think of it?

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I really like mine. It's a 1999. Perfect condition. Vintage spacing for bridge which I prefer but the neck was a tad too shallow. Putting a warmoth on it with a 59 profile and a combination of BG's and fralins for pickups. Will be done around Christmas. It's kind of a blue/aqua sparkle color. Will post new guitar day when it arrives.

Came stock built well with a 43mm nut and proper body thickness. I will be keeping it. Great bang for buck. Can't lose.

I only use the 15db boost for lead in the bridge but I like it.


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