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Les Paul vs SG


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SG's because they're lighter, have better upper fret access, and don't sound muffled and muddy. Coming from a guy who's main guitar was a Les Paul for many years.



I would say the same. I don't necessarily prefer one over the other, but if I could only take one guitar on a tour between the two choices, I would pick an SG.

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Although at the moment i have 2 Epi SG's and a Samick shaped SG I prefer a LP and would sell my soul for another LP :evil: .I have owned quite a few Gibby LP's during the years and a Gibby SG supreme and in all the different models my 1995 Gibson white studio factory stock still kicked every other LP or SG I owned.I am convinced every guitar sounds,feels,plays different especially Gibson LP's so when you get a good one keep it,my dumb ass didnt.:facepalm:

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I've owned a Les Paul, but never an SG.

Let's not beat around the bush: what are YOUR reasons for preferring one over the other? Let the opinion-fest BEGIN!





And even more so, now that it has Duncan A2P's in there.





Great, light body full-humbucker-tone guitar.

I do NOT miss my Epi LP Gold Top.

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LP. They have a fatter and warmer sound. SGs can also be neck heavy and awkward to play if the neck keeps wanting to dive.

I have 3 LPs and I'd like to have an SG someday but i generally prefer LPs.



Zero neck dive on my Gibo SG w a cheapo $20.00 strap :thu:


Talking about LP's, i would not mind getting a Jr in the next 12 months :evil:




Gotta have that growlig P90 tone !

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I absolutely love the sound of a good SG. An LP as well, but it seems the lack of a maple cap can give the SG a little warmer more saturated tone. That being said, I've tried them and they definitely don't work for me. The exposed fretboard ending at the body joint just creates a feel unlike anything else. I think this is why SG players seldom play anything else and guys like Keef that go through a lot of guitars on stage don't use an SG. (I read where it took Iommi breaking his Strat to pick up his SG, after which he never put it down.) So I get my SG tonez from a Hamer HB Special that doesn't have the extreme neck thing goin on and can switch to my LP or Strat without having to re-acclimate.

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One of the things I really like about my Epi Tony Iommi SG is the strap button on top is on the upper horn not behind the neck.That makes it never do the nosedive blues.One little thing like that makes a big differance.



If they put the strap button there on all the SGs it would make a huge difference and would make them playable to me.

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I have owned both over the years.. Truth be told there is really only three guitars that i have played consistently over the last 30 plus years and that is 335,Stratocasters and SG's

The Les Paul when played clean can bring tears to your eyes with its warmth and sustain..But then becomes muddy when overdriven..

That is why i prefer the SG when playing overdriven it has far better clarity and the clean tones although not as good as a Les Paul still are top notch.It is also a more comfortable guitar to play .

Bottom line when it comes to slamming out some great overdriven rock riffs even my beloved Strats and 335 don't compare to a SG.

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I've tried to love SG's for 20 years now. I love the way they sound. I like the way they look. I just can't get on with them as a player. I don't like the balance. I don't like the insubstantiality of the body. I don't like the way the neck joins the body. For me, the LP, especially the DC is a far better design.

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