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Willie Nelson busted again for possession of the Devil weed


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Our Texas border patrol hard at work again ..According to the article as the door to the tour bus was opened they smelled that nasty gateway drug Mary Jane and Busted poor old Willie for 6 O Zee's...

I can't resist the pun....... Free Willie :facepalm:


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He'll make dome donations, play a free show or two, and tell kids not to smoke pot while he is insanely high. Thats about it.



Ah, Willie will be ok.

I wonder if the 'officer' has a wife or children. I'm gonna check Wikileaks.

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Our Texas border patrol hard at work again ..According to the article as the door to the tour bus was opened the smelled that nasty gateway drug Mary Jane and Busted poor old Willie for 6 O Zee's...

I can't resist the pun....... Free Willie

When people say marijuana is a gateway drug, I often ask . . . "Then why the hell hasn't Willie gotten strung out on meth and heroin by now?" I mean . . . that gateways been wide open for decades :).

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When people say marijuana is a gateway drug, I often ask . . . "Then why the hell hasn't Willie gotten strung out on meth and heroin by now?" I mean . . . that gateways been wide open for decades

If anything..anti Marijuana hysteria probably leads more young kids to try harder drugs.

Think about it...kids hear all these scare tactics about how dangerous it is, then they try it and find out it's not that bad. They're going to start saying to themselves.."well...if they lied to me about reefer, what else are they lying to me about?"

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The fact that Californians voted for, but mostly against the legalization of pot, shows that the issue is out there. The main issue is the DUI part.


If you want to smoke pot, Canada is a safer place to do it. But still, don't smoke it in a moving vehicle. The cop now has an excuse to search your vehicle.


It's harder to be discrete these days. Smokers are becoming the 'lepers' of modern day society.


We are "Living In The Day Of The Eagle", and he wants to bust us all.

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