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Do you play a Les Paul like Les Paul?

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Sitting down, like this:




I've tried this a number of times and I just can't seem to get it to feel right. Playing with the belly on the right thigh feels better, but it tends to want to slide right.


I wonder if his right arm being set after the auto accident lends to this style?

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My current guitars aren't as heavy as most LPs. When playing full weight ones, I tend to play with a strap and the entire guitar hanging off to my right side. I could never get comfortable playing one like a strat nor playing it classical style.

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He appears to be using something of a modified classical position. Usually the left foot is forward and propped up on something to hold the guitar up. He may be leaning into it because he doesn't have anything to rest his foot on.


My first exposure to the guitar was classical, I tend to sit that way most of the time. Once you get used to it, it's really comfortable and gives your arms much more freedom. It does not, however, look very cool.

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Me too. If I'm sitting down in a conventional chair, a Les Paul seems a bit butt heavy just resting on my right leg, so playing it in the classical form often works for me. But my top pref (if I'm not too lazy to go fetch one) is to put a strap on it to support and balance the instrument while seated, and then I'll have it positioned more over my right leg.

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Yes, I do.


I'm no classical guitarist, but I do feel a benefit of having the lower bout rest between my legs. Better balance, better angle for both fretting and strumming for smaller bodies. It's just one of those ergonomic things, like hanging the guitar strap for up at the chest instead of at the knees.


I play my Strat the same way.


But move up to a Dreadnaught and I have to have it set on the other leg.


It definitely wasn't a new development for Lester.


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