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Pics Of Your Favorite "Cheap" Guitar


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My four current cheapest guitars.


A 1994 Korean Squier Bullet I bought from forum member lowbrow. I put a few different sets of pickups in this one before deciding where they would go long term. I've probably spent more time playing this guitar than any other guitar I currently own though it's probably my least favorite strat. FINE guitar. I upgraded the trem block and wiring and I've had saddles to put on it for about three years, but they always end up going on something else. They WILL be replaced at the next string change.


This is what it looks like right now with Rose Buff pickups, a parchment guard and white plastics. I think I have about $130 in it and it easily is as good as most strats three (maybe four) times that cost.




Taiwanese Harmony. Pawn shop purchase for $40 out the door. The body was similar to my first electric, a Teisco. I see these all the time so I finally grabbed one. Tuners are horrible. The low E string is not properly intonated. The nut needs work, it feels kinda like a toy because it's so thin and lightweight and it sounds better than any other guitar through my Tweed Champ. I put a Dimarzio SDS-1 which is kinda P-90-ish and cost $25 used. Cleaned everything on the guitar, polished the frets, oiled the fretboard, new pickup and volume pot and it's not too bad of a player at all.




An LTD Viper 100. Always liked transparent black finishes. Got it, played great, sounded like ass so I put in a set of BG Pure 90s. Now it plays great and sounds great. I'll probably move the pickups to another Viper I have and sell this one or give it away. I have $50 in the guitar and $90 in the pickups.




And my cheapest of the cheap. Squier Affinity I got for free when I bought the Viper 100. It had been refinished as seen here and branded on the body and headstock. It had a MOP guard on it with two extra holes, an EMG Select in the bridge and a nice Duncan Vintage Tele in the neck. It also had CTS pots, a nice switch and was shielded. Also came with a full size trem block and nice tuners. I put on an even uglier pickguard and put in a Dimarzio Chopper in the bridge. One tuner was bent so I put on a set of tuners I had pulled from another guitar when I upgraded it. I think I have about $40 in this one as it is here. I can't imagine selling it and I'd like to get a ~3" red Commie sickle and hammer pin for it.



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Sorry for the attachment :facepalm: I haven't uploaded them to photobucket.


But here's my FR guitar tuned to Drop C. Costed $170, needed new locking nut screws, a new Seymour Duncan Invader pup, and a nice setup from yours truly and it's a shredding beast.





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Ibanez Ax120, this is an old picture. It now has duncans in it.



I can almost match that one, brah. $60 for the guitar because someone messed up the wiring. I think I have about $350 in it in total with Grover tuners, Gibson 57 Classic pups, all new pots, new wiring, new knobs, new saddles, new nut.


LOVE it. Very likely my favorite HB guitar I've ever owned.



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Tough call for me, I have two that both meet the cheap criteria defined in this thread (about a day and a half's pay...)


First up, my Gibson Faded SG. I bought it new in 2002 for $539. I installed a Rio Grande BBQ in the bridge and gigged it steadily. It's played everything from the Vans Warped Tour to SXSW.



Next, is a MIM Tele I bought from a friend for $150 with HSC. I put a MIA Fender neck and bridge on it and installed a set of SD pickups and Acme wiring kit. All in all, I probably have about $550 in it.



These are about as inexpensive as I go. They're solid instruments that get the job done time after time. They're no longer my primary guitars, but I still love my two cheapies!

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