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OT: Helped A Friend Move Tonight


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I went to the bar last night and here in Michigan there's a smoking ban, it was only 9 degrees out before the windchill (-5 with...) and i tend to go outside to smoke A LOT when i'm drinking at a bar. soo, I would've loved to be in that warm ass weather you had

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In Indy, it was chilly for sure... I think we had a high of 19 yesterday but last night, I went to fill up the tank, it was about 10 degrees and about a 25 mph wind. It was so cold, the displays on the pumps took about 10 seconds to change the numbers and it kept asking for a discount card (this was at a grocery store) and it literally wouldn't take 'no' for an answer so I had to to go another station.




I tend to help folks moving as well. Last five or eight years haven't been bad, but it seems like from about 95 - 2000, almost everyone was moving in January or February. We helped one of my wife's friends move two years in a row, both in February and both times it was basically zero degrees and snow on the ground. We told her next time, we'd loan her money so she could stay until April or so.



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I was taking notes:

1.Don't move in winter conditions or in winter.

2.Sell or give away as much as you can BEFORE moving.

3.Pay a moving company to do the heavy lifting.

4.Don't lift a china closet immediately after dinner.



As someone who has moved upwards of 20 times, all good advice. I'd also say: Have all your {censored} packed and ready to go BEFORE help and/or the truck gets there.

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26 degrees BEFORE the wind chill.

I'm a good guy.



Hope he returns the favor if you ever have to move. I wouldn't want to be the guy that had to help move your collection!


Definitely more of a pain moving in the winter though. Especially if there's ice or snow involved. I'm not a winter person at all, so I'm just counting down the days til spring.

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