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Roland Cube 80X? or other amp?

Squier Fat Telecaster

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Lookign for a bedroom amp. Saw a Roland Cube 80X pop up on craigslist for $250. Pretty good price. 80 watts is a lot for low volume but since it's a modeller and not tube that shoudl be ok. I had a Cube 30 years ago and liked some of the tones which I'm sure the 80X is pretty similar. Good deal or pass?


My #1 consideration right now is the Fender Mustang II amp for $199.


Also considering the Vox AC4TV or VHT Special 6 tube combos as well.


Dream amp might be the Jet City 20 watt combo but it's getting out of my price range.

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I like the Rolands but I wonder if 80 watts isn't a bit big for a bedroom amp. But, as you say, it isn't tube so you should be able to get decent sound without cranking things up - too much.

The Jet City is only $50 more and that's the direction I would take, it it was me. It's still loud enough to give decent stage volume and could be miked for gigs, if need be.

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I really love the Cube series of amps. Roland makes excellent, durable products that serve a purpose. I think the 40XL and the 80XL would make great gigging amps. They can get gorgeous cleans to insane wailing. The idea is if the sounds suit you then you have a very portable, great sounding solution for playing out. All the on-board effects and optional foot-switching are ideal for a cover band or an artist that has a very varied tonal pallet.


Telemike, the Mustang II is another versatile, great sounding, portable solution. You don't get as much flexibility with the foot-switching or effects on the rig (can in software) as the Cube though. This is half the wattage also. There are so many options for a great bedroom volume amp.

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If I can swing the cash it's the Jet City amp.


The Laney CUB 10 looks very interesting but hard to find in the USA. $250, 10 watts 6V6 power, master volume.


There is a Cube 80X (not the XL) used for $250 or the new 40XL for $199


Like the tones of the Mustang but not sure I want to be tethered to my PC all the time.

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If I can swing the cash it's the Jet City amp.

The Laney CUB 10 looks very interesting but hard to find in the USA. $250, 10 watts 6V6 power, master volume.

There is a Cube 80X (not the XL) used for $250 or the new 40XL for $199

Like the tones of the Mustang but not sure I want to be tethered to my PC all the time.


Personally, I'd much rather get a newer 40XL for $199 with all the new bells and whistles than get a too large 80X without all the new goodies. I have a 20X and I'm looking to possibly upgrade to the 40XL, but even the 20X is big enough for bedroom use.


But let's take a look here.









Okay, now I gotta step back and take a look myself :lem:

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