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NGD Ibanez Gold Top


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Picked this SZ320 up last week with an RG350EX and a Fender Stage 160 DSP amp. Already flipped the RG and amp, but I think this one's for me. I go through a ridiculous amount of gear as a hobby so for me to actually keep something is rare. Actually, after nearly 300 guitars I've only kept 2. Anyway, this thing is amazing! I also had an SZ520 a few months back in flame green that I gave to my daughter's boyfriend. I had every intention of flipping this one too but it's grown on me, my wife even likes it and she NEVER comments on my guitars. I don't care what the pricepoint was for this new, I'd put it up against any guitar I've ever owned and that includes many Gibsons and Carvins. Already scouring ebay for a white one. :thu:



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Thanks guys. I really think this one is going to be a keeper. This is the 520 I had last year (?). Should have kept it too. Oh well..... I may change the pup rings to either actual metal or wood, not really digging the cheapo plastic ones.



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Nice! How did you strip/refinish it?



With a little electric sander, sanding drums for the drill to reach in to the horns, and some hand sanding in some spots. I refinished it with Golden Pecan Minwax followed by tung oil semi gloss...it feels soooooo good with the neck and back sanded down. I love that goldtop man...and they really are great guitars. THis and my artcore full hollow and Mason are all the guitars I need.

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