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At Last NLPD!!


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Well I finally picked up my Les Paul today. I originally put a deposit on a Desert Burst, but i've been leaning towards the Light Burst finish more and more, one look at the Light Burst LP he had there sealed the deal, I am without words to describe how beautiful the guitar is and how well it plays and sounds! Here are a couple of pics. (the back is also so sweet)





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HNGD.... but that looks like the Heritage Cherry Sunburst. Ice Tea finish looks like....


Nah..look at the first pic, its the most accurate the lighting in my basement is a little funny..the heritage cherry is almost red around the edges

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Ya know..the pics on Gibsons website make all the light finishes look the same...light burst and Iced tea look almost identical, mabye they screwed up...looks like iced tea to me, i just saw that finish and said i'll take THAT ONE!!! I asked if thats Iced Tea and he said yes..i dunno

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Whatever it is i fell in love at first sight.



I think that's all that matters. Even if you played in a Death Metal band and the finish was called Cute, Fuzzy Bunny Unicorn Kisses who cares? If it's the color(s) you want I think that's all that matters.

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Arrgh...the reciept I have has the original Derest Burst SKU number on it from when i first made a deposit on that one.. all their guitars finishes are deciphered by the SKU, but i just swapped guitars ath the last minute right there on the spot so i diddnt get the new SKU number on my reciept, ill call them tomorrow to see if i can get to the bottom of it!!

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I think that's all that matters. Even if you played in a Death Metal band and the finish was called Cute, Fuzzy Bunny Unicorn Kisses who cares? If it's the color(s) you want I think that's all that matters.



True, but i need to know cause im an OCD maniac, now it looks like honey burst, but its Light Burst!!!! I know though that these vary from one another so one can look darker around the edges on one guitar, and lighter on another. Stay tuned!!

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True, but i need to know cause im an OCD maniac, now it looks like honey burst!!!! I know though that these vary from one another so an Iced tea can look darker around the edges on one guitar, and lighter on another. Stay tuned!!



Could very well be a honey burst. Very sweet.

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Either way, I really like it as well. I really have the hots for a nice LP with some sort of non-Cherry and non-Tobacco finish. I really like the amber and butterscotch, but some of the faded bursts are super nice as well. The less dark brown and the less red and darker orange, the better.


Either way, looks great!


HNGD! :thu:



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yowza cratz, who is that chick?


and about the guitar---it looks like light burst to me. but, Les Paul finishes are so reactive to photo conditions. My Vintage Sunburst looks golden when using flash or when viewed in the sun, but under low indoor light, it looks yellowish.

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I think it is a Light burst, it looks the most like it...waiting for the store to open to check the SKU, but dosent look cherry in person, and i think the edges are too light for Iced Tea, a/b'ing my pic from the Gibson website i dunno about a million times LOL i must say that i am pretty sure the guy misspoke and i have a light burst, he brought up a case that had a tape label iced tea, but think he goofed...anyway i picked the guitar for the way it looked i wasant looking for iced tea per say, i just wanted something lighter that the desert, and this one looked/played the best, plus the back is red, does that tell y'all anything?

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