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Yakima Electric Guitar ???


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Sounds Japanese if not native american. :lol:


If it's 70's era MIJ and in great shape then $400 may be a good deal. Folks here could probably get a sense about the quality of the instrument from the pics too. Have you played the guitar or done some comparison shopping? What are your impressions based on that?

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I rememer seeing all kinds of Yakima LP copies sold at Willis Music (Ohio/Kentucky chain) back in the early to mid 80s. Don't know much about them though.

The one listed on eBay right now IS in Kentucky. :idea:


If it's a LP style guitar with a bolt on neck, I personally wouldn't pay $400 for it. It would have to be a great player and have some sort of sentimental value to me anyway (i.e. "I had one of these for my very first guitar..." :blah:)

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Let's just cut out all the bs. Don't waste your $400 on a mostly 'unheard of' (probably used) Asian copy of a Gibson with a bolt on neck. A Mexican Fender has a better track record for resale. You might find a decent used MIA Fender for $400. And that's just win, win.


Gibson copies are,...blah. Unless they're Epi's, Orvilles or other better known brands with a fan base. IMHO!

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