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Another Recording - Comfortably Numb


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Well, the first solo anyway :)


I wanted to test my new webcam so I let it roll while recording. I used my JV Strat + PodXT to achieve the sound. I still very much like my XT and use it constantly for recording. I just can't seem to part with it for a newer modeler while I'm still able to get the sounds I like out of it. It's got to be over six years old now.



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Damn that sounds awesome. I like how you had somebody running the fog machine infront of you too. :thu: . . . . . . . . . ;)


Out of curiosity, did you record audio directly into the cam or did you sync up audio and video on your computer? Very good results I must say...tasty playing too.

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Thanks, man. Audio was picked up by the cam but just the pick on the strings since I was recording via the PodXT and not by mic'ing an amp. As you can see from the cable running down my right side, I am wearing headphones and recording this while I have the webcam rolling. Once finished, I exported the audio out of Tracktion and imported both that and the camera output into PowerDirector to make the video you just watched. Btw, that smoke was an added in effect from PowerDirector. I felt it gave the video an ethereal feeling :)

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You know, I'm waiting very impatiently for the Blackstar HT-1 reverb combo to be available stateside. I think that might be the gadget to upgrade to. I have heard my friend's recordings through the speaker emulated output and I think it sounds amazing. That would completely fill the practice combo/recording apparatus void I am missing. I have a Roland Micro Cube and it records well but playing as a practice amp, the tiny speaker really leaves me wanting. I think the 8" in the HT-1 would fair better in that respect.

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