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new 50 cent pinky slide day!! copper!


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i was at home depo getting some suppies for a guitar project and i though what the heck.. i went over to the copper pip fittings section.. and they had just what i was looking for.. a small bit of copper fitting just long enough to fit over the pinky,, it need to be treated a bit run over with some steel wool and such.. but its a pretty cool sound and its more nimble then the brass slide i have been using.. it seem to be some fun. for single note slides and stuff.. its not long enough for a full cord kinda tone.. but funky little delta ideas it might just work out..


price is right...


give it a go.

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A few years ago I had to replace my water heater and had to do some pipe sweating. I used a leftover section of copper pipe from the job, cut it to length, and filed the sharp edges on the ends. Perfect pinky slide, and it was basically free since it was a scrap piece of pipe anyway.

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You can do like Johnny Winter does and use a chunk of Galvanized pipe. Doesnt get tarnished but takes some working to get it smooth. I use a brass slide myself. Its a bit too large for my finger though. I find when you steel wool it to remove the tarnish it will stay shiny longer if you use some light machine oil on it.

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I saw this guy playing in Downtown Disney one time and had to ask him about his slide. Just a scrap piece of copper tubing. He uses it so sparingly in his playing. I think it's a pretty large diameter so he can bend his pinky.

As for that stomping-your-foot comment, you could also do the tambourine thing around your ankle. :idea:

Brother Yusef:

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