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Removing Greasebucket circuit..


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Well I've just decided that I really don't like the 'greasebucket' circuit on my Fender HW1, and I'm going to take it out..

I couldn't find much info online so I figured I could just as well make a new topic, so that others can find it too..


According to this thread a .047 capacitor sounds good with the neck pickup, so I've ordered one of those.. Once I'll receive it I'll change the circuit and I'll post my thoughts about the change..


If my data is correct this is what I'm supposed to do: (bear with me, first time I actually change the wiring of a guitar, except for once when I added a bridge PU to a tone pot)





If anyone has already done this (I know for a fact some have) I'd love to hear your opinion about it too..

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In case anyone was wondering.. I did the mod, only I couldn't wait (I'm very impatient), so I used the .22 caps that were already inside the guitar.. IMO the guitar sounds WAAAAY better, more 'true' and strat like..


I have the feeling that the greasebucket circuit filters out some bad sounds, but in the process filters out a lot of good stuff too.. If that makes any sense..


Anyway, it is an easy mod and definitely worth trying..

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