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Kinman P90 Hx?? Noiseless P90's that sound good from the demos


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$318 for a pair is pretty damn insane, but reading up on them I can kind of understand why. A typical P90 is made of 13 parts. One of these suckers supposedly has over 200 pieces to it. If that's the case and it sounds as good as it does from the online demos it may not be as ridiculous a price as it looks.


SO does anyone have any experience with these?


And I already know that P90's are all about noise, but there are different degrees of noise and my noise is bigger than your noise; I can almost guarantee it. Rule of thumb is that if you can still hear it humming while you are playing a note something is wrong.


That's the thing about hum....it's like a stench....I can taste it and I don't like it.

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Demos here

$318 for a pair is pretty damn insane, but reading up on them I can kind of understand why. A typical P90 is made of 13 parts. One of these suckers supposedly has over 200 pieces to it. If that's the case and it sounds as good as it does from the online demos it may not be as ridiculous a price as it looks.

SO does anyone have any experience with these?

And I already know that P90's are all about noise, but there are different degrees of noise and my noise is bigger than your noise; I can almost guarantee it. Rule of thumb is that if you can still hear it humming while you are playing a note something is wrong.

That's the thing about hum....it's like a stench....I can taste it and I don't like it.


I for one dislike the noise in P90's to the point that I shy away from them most of the time.


Those clips sound amazing, but I still hear the noise especially at the start of that second clip which unsurprisingly has gain turned up. So it appears that Chris has come up with a recipe for mitigating the hum somewhat, but I wouldn't call it a magic bullet. Having said that, gawldamn that second dude's tone was soaked in smoke and whiskey...quite the opposite of what I would have expected looking at the guy. :lol:


Still I don't see myself dropping that kinda cash on P90's that still hum even a little bit. I am reminded that I need to get my strat back together that has a set on Kinmans in it...it's been at least five years since I took it apart to refinish it. :facepalm:

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I was kind of surprised to looking at the guy. I mean there's nothing wrong with him I suppose, but you're kind of caught off guard by what comes out of the video. :lol:


And yeah, $318 is a chunk of change, but I've been dicking around with different pickups in my SG Classic and I'm tired of trying to get close and want to be done with it. I got it for a ridiculously good price and I've got a guitar that I had sold...of course that usually entails money being received and I finally told the guy to forget it after two months and just give it back to me.


So basically I have a means to an end here. I had pretty much forgotten about the other guitar and the reason I sold it was to fund my N-4 which turned out to be cheaper than expected. So right now I'm in the black on guitar fundage as far as the wife knows. :thu:


I spoke to someone at Lace about their noiseless P90's, but they only have one (as in the only one on the planet) in black and I'm kind of leary of the tone considering no one else on the planet seems to know anything about them. I'd figure that someone had to own a set considering they've been out for a few years now.

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I was kind of surprised to looking at the guy. I mean there's nothing wrong with him I suppose, but you're kind of caught off guard by what comes out of the video.


Was that the engineer-looking guy in the plaid shirt? He was playing some killer blues.


I was considering some Kinmans, but they're deeper than normal P90s, and you have to deepen the pickup cavities, which made me a little nervous. I could see myself punching a hole through the back of the guitar with a drill press... :facepalm:

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Was that the engineer-looking guy in the plaid shirt? He was playing some killer blues.

I was considering some Kinmans, but they're deeper than normal P90s, and you have to deepen the pickup cavities, which made me a little nervous. I could see myself punching a hole through the back of the guitar with a drill press...

OK, that's an issue right there because my SG doesn't have a lot of meat left in there between the pickups and my glorious gut. I thought that I read somewhere that someone got one in there. Perhaps that was the Fralins or even the Lace PS-900's.


Thanks for the heads up.

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You gotta respect the amount of trial and error that Kinman has performed through the years with the development of his noiseless strat and tele pickups. Having said that I am a bit floored that he has incorporated 200+ pieces into this thing. Looks like he added a bobbin on the bottom with a dummy coil (maybe:idk:), but where in the hell do all the other parts come into play? :eek:


I mean, look at the thing!!



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I know, I'm tring to figure out where 200 parts come from, but hey he spent years making it so I suppose it's more than possible.


Now these are just internet clips, but I still thought that it sounded better than the Fralin noiseless clips I've heard. It's sad because I was put off by the price of the Fralins (like $260/pair) and these are even more expensive. :facepalm:

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