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Re-grill-clothing my cabinet

Deadbeat Son

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I'm about to order some new grill cloth for my Marshall 1936 (the small 212 in the cabinet below). I'm planning to order the checkerboard style similar to what's on the 1960B behind it. Here's my question, I'm undecided on what to do with the JCM 2000 head. Should I replace the standard black cloth with matching checkerboard, or recover that portion in black tolex to evoke similarities with the old JMPs behind it?





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Thanks guys, that's what I was leaning toward, I just didn't know if it might be too much checker.


For reference, here's a tolexed front panel (Photo courtesy of FJA Mods):




Here's a limited edition check-pattern DSL head (in silver):




I saw The Donnas back in 2004 or so, and Alison was playing through brown tolexed DSLs with salt & pepper cloth and matching cabs. It looked great.

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I was split pretty evenly between the two options, but leaning a tad toward the tolex. I think I've made up my mind just to go with the checked grill cloth though. Why? Because I'll have enough material out of the one linear yard minimum order to do both pieces and it saves me from having to pony up the extra coin for a yard of tolex as well.

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Finally got it done this evening. The cloth on the cab didn't come out as straight as I hoped. This stuff is pretty tough to stretch tight.




Of course it goes without saying the tone has improved immensely with the new cloth. The vintage-check style is the source of the classic 70s Marshall tones. :thu:

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Finally got it done this evening. The cloth on the cab didn't come out as straight as I hoped. This stuff is pretty tough to stretch tight.


Of course it goes without saying the tone has improved immensely with the new cloth. The vintage-check style is the source of the classic 70s Marshall tones.


tone is in the grill cloth! looks awesome! :rawk:

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i did the same thing with my 1960 cab and Valvestate head. The cloth on the cab looked like Burlap and was saggy as hell. I had enough to do the head. In my case, i just put the checkerboard over the black and can restore it to black if I want. I want to fin the small check and redo both eventually. I got a few digs in the checkersand its starting to look a bit ragged out after 10 years.



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That cloth must be particularly hard to get straight. I've seen brand new Marshall cabs that didn't look a lot better. Where did you source that cloth?




I got it from Mojotone. The cab actually looks a bit worse in person to me than it does in the photo. The cloth is nice, it's just a PITA to keep the cloth tight while fastening it.

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