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HELP: PICKUP WIRING GURUS - Need to install a piezo bridge with a toggle switch


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Hi. I have a Gibson Les Paul with the standard wiring configuration as found here (first pic):




I have a Power Bridge (TuneOMatic) (basically a "piezo" pickup to get Acoustic tones). The installation sheet/diagram is here:




What I NEED is just to be able to install one 2-way toggle switch (on/off) so that the Piezo pickup signal blends with the the magnetic pickup signal (magnetic > piezo > output jack) when "ON". Then, when in the "OFF" position, the signal routing is AS USUAL (i.e. no piezo whatsoever, just magnetic pickup action).


I need a recommended WIRING scheme/diagram. Thanks for your help!!!



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Thanks. What I want to avoid is to use a stereo cable to have two separate outputs...then I'd like to be able to have the option to use either 1) magnetic pickups or 2) piezo pickup at any given time going through the single output...


any ideas?

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Here's the tutorial, in Lovekraft's own words.


NOTE: This tutorial assumes a familiarity with basic soldering practice, component identification and orientation, and electronics construction technique - furthermore, no warranty, explicit or implied, is given regarding the suitability of this project for any given purpose, nor does the poster accept any responsibility for any damages pursuant to the assembly or use of this circuit. Proceed at your own risk.


OK, having gotten that out of the way, here's a relatively simple, inexpensive buffer circuit suitable for using to mix passive pickups with EMG active pickups, or buffering piezo pickups to mix with magnetics. Frequency response is pretty much flat, and noise is fairly comparable to passive pickups if built correctly. The circuit will easily drive a load of 10K or lower, so even long cable runs shouldn't be an issue. Here is the schematic:




VERO board layout.




A Bill of Materials (including Mouser part numbers)

Part QTY Mouser #

C1 1 581-BF014D0224J

C2 1 581-BF074D0684J

R1,R2 2 660-MF1/4DC1004F

R3,R4 2 660-MF1/4DC1002F

Q1 1 512-2N5457

Q2 1 512-2N5087TA

misc vero board, solder, hookup wire, etc.


A construction diagram



Finally, here's a photo of an earlier build of this circuit, thrown together hastily with "found" components a while back for "proof-of-concept" - the newer layout posted above is both smaller and cleaner, but at least this will give you a rough idea of the size (that's a US nickle in the pic, for scale).



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