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Off Topic: Learned my first solo today:P


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Cool man. It will be all you want to do now. Remember to use your wrist when doing bends and avoid using just your fingers. Ideally, your fingers should be stable and your wrist should do most of the work. If you are doing bends with your third or ring finger, place your middle and index finger on the same string to back them up and give you more strength. It is much less stressful and makes vibrato heaps easier. If that's your first solo, your doing well. Keep it up dude!

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Good work! I'd really like to get into trying to play more soloish stuff, but I always find myself falling back onto playing around with chord progressions rather than pushing myself to get better. I just feel lost playing solos. You've inspired me to try and not suck, and for that I thank you.

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