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Is It Possible To Take This Seriously?


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It's funny. My mother in law is german. She likes her "schmaltz" -- it's pretty cheesy really, but taking North American pop from the 50s and 60s, and playing it like a polka, in a kitschy way is fun.


Not that I approve of my mother in laws record collection, I do appreciate the sentiment.


(I must admit, the first time I met my future in laws, there was cousins visiting and I thought it was great fun to see 2-3 year old grand-niece standing on her chair at the dinner table singing German drinking tunes). Then apparently the ladies went into the kitchen to discuss the shape of my skull and that it demonstrates something appropriate to be dating one of the family... Odd evening. But I was accepted, despite my Dutch and Scottish/Irish lineage (but shhhh, don't mention the irish to my grandmother... the 96 year old will take you to task on that. She hates the irish despite the fact her maiden name is originally from Cork Country descent).


So now I've married into some whacky northern German and Czech heritage, and am occasionally subjected to schmaltz and polka.


I don't mind really. :)

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