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Rush is doing a remix of Vapor Trails


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And their fans will go buy it...AGAIN!

If they REALLY love their fans though, they will initiate a program whereby people who have that original {censored}-mix CD can get a credit/rebate by mailing it in with a receipt for its replacement.

Yeah I am not counting on that happening. :(

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And their fans will go buy it...AGAIN!

If they REALLY love their fans though, they will initiate a program whereby people who have that original {censored}-mix CD can get a credit/rebate by mailing it in with a receipt for its replacement.

Yeah I am not counting on that happening.

Do people actually pay for music anymore? :evil:

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The two tracks they remixed on their latest Best-Of compilation sounded very good.


I'm excited. I'm a big fan of the album and have always hated the sound. Snagged a transfer of the LP print of it and it sounded a little bit better, but not much. A full remix will be great.

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Do people actually pay for music anymore?

I copy music from people who have it available, but Rush probably the only exception. Why? I am the biggest Rush fan that I know, so I buy releases immediately...not waiting around for some friend to buy one so I can copy it. Besides that, mere copies of Rush material will not suffice. :o

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Anyone that personally knows me, knows that Rush is my favorite band. VT was one album I could never really get into. I don't know if the actual mix has anything to do with that....but, I might give her a try again!

Oddly enough, it took Rush longer to record that album than any other they have made, by far...

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I remember when VT came out, reading an article in which someone used it as THE example of what was wrong with the sound of contemporary releases. And I agree, it's too loud and over-compressed. I wouldn't re-buy it or anything, but I can understand them wanted the cd's currently on the shelf to sound good.

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Nine years too late. :mad:

I hope it works. Some people have claimed that the clipping is irreparable. I hope they're wrong. I'm dying to hear a properly equalized version of this album.

I've always liked how fresh and inspired this album was. Too bad it was mixed so damn hot to begin with.

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Anyone that personally knows me, knows that Rush is my favorite band. VT was one album I could never really get into. I don't know if the actual
has anything to do with that....but, I might give her a try again!

Oddly enough, it took Rush longer to record that album than any other they have made, by far...


In interviews they've said that they really struggled with that one. A lot of the difficulty seems to have stemmed from the uncertainty of going back to work after they'd all assumed that Rush was over after Peart's family tragedies. Snakes & Arrows, by contrast, seems to have just flowed out of them and they knocked that one out of the park. It's taken a while, but I've found myself appreciating Vapor Trails more and more over the years. If they can reengineer it to their satisfaction I will definitely pick it up again. Just listening to how good Secret Touch sounds live makes me think that they can make the album sound better than it does now. I wonder if Nick Raskulinecz will be involved. They seem to have developed a very good working relationship with him and he did a great job with S&A, one of their best sounding albums, in my opinion.

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Clipping IS irreparable, but I can guarantee they didn't clip while tracking. More likely, it was a hack mastering job.


They'll likely remix it to be cleaner sounding with a lot more headroom and without all the pumping and distortion.

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Clipping IS irreparable, but I can guarantee they didn't clip while tracking. More likely, it was a hack mastering job.

They'll likely remix it to be cleaner sounding with a lot more headroom and without all the pumping and distortion.



I hope you're right. I've read several opinions over the years that the clipping occurred in the recording stage, but I've always tended to doubt that. I think it's more likely to have happened in post-production. If they have good tracks, then creating a better mix will be academic.

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