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Classic Vibe Tele Vs. MIM Tele Standard ...why is one better than the other??

Dr. Scottie C

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Yeah, a lot of people make an issue out of that neck finish. I happen to actually like the glossy poly finish of the Squier CV Tele but that's just me. They're both useful guitars, good sounding and worthwhile bang for your buck. You might as well just get the one that plays the best. I've heard some people say that the MIM had better pickups or vice-versa but I think they're just imagining things.


I'm noticing that a lot of people grab a MIM Standard and quickly mod it... it seems to be a popular modding platform... while the CV enthusiasts leave theirs stock. Maybe that's just the HCEG adoration of the CV Tele talking but it's food for thought.

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Well, stock for stock, the CV is gonna KILL the MIM Standard. The pickups in the CV are absolutely outstanding. The ones in the MIM Standard are mediocre at best.


I'm also a fan of the glossy neck so I'd lean towards the CV there as well.


And just in general... I prefer vintage flavored strats and teles and the CVs feel and look more vintage than the basic MIM Standards. The bound CV is insanely hot as is the Thinline CV. The standards are great as well.


Overall, if you don't mind that the headstock says 'Squier' and you don't plan on selling it anytime soon, those Classic Vibes are just really great choices in my opinion.

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I started with a MIM standard and then got myself a 50's CV. A few months later, I still have only 1 MIM std and bought 2 more CV tele's.

I like glossy CV necks more so than MIM necks. And sometimes, you'll find a CV with AMAZING neck woods. I have 2 with intense flame necks.

Both MIM and CV are terrific instruments, but for me, some minor details for the CV tele's stand out.

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The new MIMs kill the CVs, at least in my independent A/B test conducted at GC a while back. Soundwise, I thought they were pretty close, but feel-wise it was a runaway for me. The Squier felt cramped and for lack of a better word, cheap in my big mits. Obviously, a personal preference and some will undoubtedly prefer the feel of the Squier.

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When I played both of those back-to-back, I preferred the feel of the MIM much more. The neck felt great. However, the sound of the CV was far superior to my ears. The MIM isn't bad by any means, but the CV just had better tone. More clarity, punch, and articulation.

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love my classic vibe. if you don't like the glossiness of the neck - fine steel wool does wonders to buff that out...


i hit mine a few times with 220 @ each string change. :thu:


chris, did you change any pots when you put that hb in the neck?

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The neck is far superior to the CV's.


Fender is doing a great job with its Squier line--you get a lot of bang for your buck. But the CV is just not equal to the MIM. There is a lot of "contrarian cool" (so commonly seen on the interweb) that follows the CV.


The MIM is just a far more playable and serviceable, and holds far more value in resale.

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Probably the MIM. The newer ones especially, I think, are very servicable instruments. Are the pick-ups fantastic? No. Would they get me through a gig? Yes.

After trying out several CV Squiers, I can officially say that I don't get the hype at all. YMMV.



So a CV Squier WOULDN'T get you through the gig? I respect your opinion but if your answer is no, I have to disagree. Why don't you get the "hype"? What was wrong specifically?


It seems to me that most people put the CV Squiers in the "very good and absolutely better than the asking price" category but the dissenters who aren't totally sold still put them into the "very good but not outstanding" category which is still not too shabby for a 300 dollar instrument. Very few people, if anyone, has been able to honestly say that they're unplayable garbage. Most agree that they are at least worthy of competition with Fender MIM models.

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But the CV is just not equal to the MIM. There is a lot of "contrarian cool" (so commonly seen on the interweb) that follows the CV. The MIM is just a far more playable and serviceable, and holds far more value in resale.



The neck argument is the thing people keep going back to when they claim the MIM is better but that's more of a preference thing, really. Both are totally competitive and both are legit options if you're making a comparison. I don't think anyone is being ironic or contrarian... I think people have just learned to go with it when they see a good deal, despite prevailing conventional wisdom (like the conventional wisdom that Fender-brand must necessarily be worlds better than Squier-brand).


I do agree with the point about resale value. There's no debating that, you're right. Luckily, I bought my Tele to PLAY and not to cast off to the second-hand market like some ill-informed "investment". Playability is infinitely debatable but what do you mean by "serviceable"? Is that a repairs issue?

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Ahh NGD! classic vibe tele! played one last week on a fender and a 6505 was very impressed! MY GF bought it for me! lucky guy huh:) Got a new one out of the box at GC. My neck really isnt flamed but looks sweet, intonation a problem? what brand of strings fender use??????

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If I just had to pick one up and gig with it, and both were stock (assuming a decent setup), it would be the CV. The pickups are just better. If I had to take one out of the box, taking my chances as to which would play better out of the box, it would be the MIM.


If I could pick either and take it home to set it up like I wanted then gig with it, the CV would probably get the nod.

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So a CV Squier WOULDN'T get you through the gig? I respect your opinion but if your answer is no, I have to disagree. Why don't you get the "hype"? What was wrong specifically?



No, I could get through a gig with either, I'm sure. I'd just have a better time with the MIM. I just like the overall feel of them better than the CV's. Especially the necks, but I also feel the build quality is better on the MIM. It's not that I think the CV's are junk. Not at all, and in fact they are good guitars for the price point. Just not good guitars for me.


I don't get the hype because like so many other flavor of the month budget guitars, they get talked up so much and when I try them out, they ultimately fail to deliver. But, hey, maybe it's just me. I also find that used higher-mid quality guitars are a much better value for not a lot more money, than new budget instruments are.

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I don't get the hype because like so many other flavor of the month budget guitars, they get talked up so much and when I try them out, they ultimately fail to deliver.



i don't know if these qualify as flavor of the week... this is the 3rd or 4th year they've been out now (don't quote me on that, but i think its been about 3 or 4)

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