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Listen to my band's new EP! Please? ;)


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My band just released a new EP. I hope you can take a listen to it.


If you DO enjoy it, feel free to download a copy (free or donation. Donations will help us cover the cost of mailing the EP out to college radio stations :))


And, extra-important: if you do enjoy, please join our Facebook page and share the music with your friends! We're trying very hard to get more genuine fans, and I figured my homebase of Electric Guitars is a good place to look.


This was a very guitar-centric EP. Gear used:

- Gibson Les Paul Traditional Pro

- Fender American Standard Telecaster with Little 59 in bridge

- MI Audio Crunch Box

- MI Audio Blues Pro OD (with and without Fuzz mode)

- All into a Crate V50 tube amp, recorded with close-mic SM57, into Tapco firewire interface, into Logic


Thanks :thu:

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That style of music is hit or miss with me, some I like some...not so much, but that is pretty awesome. (But now I want a Tele even more. FUUUU


Thanks! But please tell me: what "style" of music do you think of my band? I'm having trouble classifying our sound, which is causing severe promotion issues, so I'd greatly appreciate your giving me a label (as much as I hate labels).


Indie? Hard rock? Metal?




BTW, the Tele had such a sharp, cutting tone compared to my Les Paul, even with the Little 59 in the bridge. I HIGHLY recommend that combo :thu:

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Just kiddin
Sounds good man, i only listened to the 1st track, great overall sound, and your singer has good quality and character to his voice. WIN


Thanks! I'm the singer, and I spent a month in intensive vocal class to improve my voice. Glad it paid off!

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