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Gibson Explorer Vampire Blood Moon Electric Guitar


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I'd probably prefer it to be in some sort of superstrat shape rather than the Explorer - but in theory it's a good idea. Locking trem, active pickups... Not my bag but I'm sure it could be popular.


It's a good idea for Gibson to make something for modern metal players - this is a genuine market they could profit from - instead of inventing stoopid robot Firebird X guitars.


RRP $1799 - so it'll be much cheaper than that. Promising idea - I'd like to try one out.

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someone explain to me why the blood moon is 300 less than the regular explorer. The blood moon has active pickups and a double locking floating trem, the regular explorer has passive pups and a hardtail. I'm torn between the see through cherry and the blood moon. if i were to go with the regular explorer, though, i would have to put in emg's, which, while i'm sure sound better than the gibson "GEM's" (facepalm), would be a more expensive option than just getting the blood moon. i've also been dying for a floating trem ever since i let my rr1 go. (stupid, stupid, stupid move)

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I would'nt say it is great or Fail.

Now This is Gibson Fail:



And someday, they'll be a bunch of guitar geeks talking online about how great these vintage guitars are......they'll probably even be posting pics of their recent scores like it was porn and wishing for the good old days of creative guitar designs....what a bunch of losers.....

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The guitar isn't as hideous as some of Gibson's more recent "innovative" offerings but that's not saying much. Octogenarians have hemorrhoids that aren't as hideous as some of Gibson's more recent "innovative" offerings.


They could have just said "this is a black Explorer with red accents and a Floyd" and people would have loved it. Instead, they had to give it THAT name and write ad copy that sounds like Live Journal Twilight fanfic.


It instantly reminds me of this:






... per se

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they should have just called it voodoo, or something similar. vampire blood moon
dumb name, but without the floyd id love to have one...and with the old inlay too, these look kinda cheap


It's a trendy cash-in on the current trendy vampire TV shows and movies. Whenever I see things like this, I think back to those old Goth Chat parodies on SNL. :lol: :lol:

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