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Gibson Explorer Vampire Blood Moon Electric Guitar


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mahagony body, maple top, ebony fretboard, some fantastic inlay, syemour duncan seth lover model pickups, and mekke it cheap....



I dunno. I'm not a Floyd guy, but the all-black look (or even just the natural finishes) look more "Explorer" to me than one with R9-ish features. To me, the one in this picture is a little too fancy for what I picture when I think Gibson Explorer.

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Does it sparkle in the sunlight?


Seriously, the name's bad enough. But given Gibson's track record, I suspect this was meant more for the Twilight-and-metalcore crowd than the brootal one.




Hmm...Not that bad. But still, terrible name and marketing. Apparently this is "vital as blood." My god! As vital as blood! Without this guitar, my tone will be like a dried up husk!


Makes me wonder why Gibson has been concealing this all-important bit of tone for all these years, selling inferior products like SGs and Les Pauls. Now they tell us that SGs and LPs are the tonal equivalent of a guy that's been run over by a steamroller! Those soulless vampiric shysters!


Wait...And it's cheaper than a standard Explorer? They've been selling us overpriced, blood-sucked tone! If only the legions of Gibson players knew they were being scammed by these abominations!

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Hello everyone! I'm a brand new member of the community, although this has been my no.1 source for info on guitars for a long time. Im glad to finally be a member. I preordered one of the Vampire Blood Moon Explorers. They said it would ship on 2/13. I wasn't sure if they were actually on the market yet or not? I can't find anyone on line that's tried one out yet. Anyway mine is supposed to ship on 2/13 so when I get it I'd be glad to give a full review on it. In the meantime I'd love to hear about it if you have it already. I know there are lovers and haters of this model. For some reason I really fell for it and I hope these lower priced guitars become a trend with Gibson.:evil:

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Seeing it again, after the thread's been revived, I can say I like the simplicity and the woodgrain effect, even the red trimmings, but to me it'd look so much better with an ebony (or ebonised rosewood) fretboard. The lighter brown of the fretboard just looks... off to me.


Also, I'm not a big fan of Floyds.


I'd gladly take one if it was given to me though. :)

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It could be worse: it could sparkle and feature Rob Pattinson's face airbrushed on the upper bout. But holy adjective overload on the ad copy, Batman! :facepalm:


I wouldn't hit it (I'm off Gibsons for the forseeable future) but it looks a lot better than their previous offerings. I don't hate it.


A little Twilight comedy for ya:



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Sorry but the Zoot suit Rainbow ^^^^^ was one of Gibson's good ideas and you try and buy one now



Wasn't a big fan of the rainbow finish, but I did like the red/black and black/white schemes. They were interesting. Amen about trying to find one. Those things are rare as hen's teeth. Around where I am, anyway.

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