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Jesus Ebay chill out...


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Had my listing pulled on ebay because i described the guitar as a Les Paul. Apparently this is some type of copyright infringement.


What else can i call a Les Paul style guitar? Singlecut? Jesus, i understand having safeguards in there but if you can't use terms such as Les Paul or Strat to describe a guitar then WTF:mad:

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Had my listing pulled on ebay because i described the guitar as a Les Paul. Apparently this is some type of copyright infringement.

What else can i call a Les Paul style guitar? Singlecut? Jesus, i understand having safeguards in there but if you can't use terms such as Les Paul or Strat to describe a guitar then WTF:mad:



Well, WTF was it? If it's not a Gibson or Epi, then I'm not too surprised you got jumped.

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Just for the heck of it, I went to Ebay and searched for LP guitar. I came up with 613 LP guitars out of which only 33 were Gibson brand and 56 Epi's. 524 were something other than a copyrighted LP.
Something ain't making sense.

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I don't think it is in any way dishonest to say "Nelsonic Les Paul STYLE guitar" - we all know what that means and what it is. The word "style" is the operative word here. He is not claiming it is a Les Paul. Just like Strat or Tele STYLE guitars - these are ACCEPTED descriptions for a TYPE of guitar at this point, and Ebay isn't protecting anyone with this kind of bull{censored} really.

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Its called keyword spamming and its a good feature which doesnt always work 100%. Lots of people say "NOT Les Paul: so they get les paul in the title but they are covered cause of the word NOT. Just 1 example, the OP is guilty as well. Its bs and people that claim ignorance are not fooling anybody.

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