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Changing String Guage


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I'm currently using Hybrid Slinkeys (9s/10s) on a strat. If I switch to 11s will I need to do any adjustments to the guitar? I read where one person recommended putting all five springs on the trem bridge so it doesn't pull from the tension of the 11s. Is this necessary?

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You may have to adjust the truss rod if there ends up being too much relief in the neck (but wait a couple of days for it to settle in). Most of the time I change one string at a time, unless I'm going to clean/oil the fretboard.

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You may not have to make changes to the guitar, but hopefully you'll want to. Any change in string gauge will require the adjustments already mentioned, as well as checking intonation and string height. I love to tweak the crap out of a guitar. But that's what I do...

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First thing is to put the strings on the guitar and play for a few days before you decide to do anything to the setup.


I've seen a few cases where the setup was better with a different string gauge. It depends on how well, or if, the guitar was set up for the strings now on it. I agree with others who say put 'em on and play it for a few days. you may not even like the new gauge and go back to the old. I love to tweak guitars too. But I don't like doing something and then putting it back.

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Yes you will have to do some basic adjustments. There is more than enough information online to do a setup.



Thanks for all your input. I know about various sites with info about setting up guitars but was just wondering if this was needed in this case. It sounds like the answer is a definitive maybe - try it and see how it works. Shall do!

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When I bought my Strat it came set up perfectly with 9s - I put some 11s on it and played it for a month before taking it to my tech for a proper set up.


The action was a touch too high as the extra tension raised the bridge somewhat and the intonation was a bit out at the 12th fret and above but it was fine to jam on.


It did need a proper set up though, I just got away with it for a while.

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