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OT: merged japan quake thread


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we just turned the news on, phones still inoperable...seems there was some antennae damage, not surprising. gonna bring my father in law some food later and will have another look around.

Thanks for keeping people here in your thoughts, it`s much harder on many than it is on us so far. We should be able to stay afloat for a few more days. we always keep bread frozen for times like these. Back later.

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OK...our phone is up and running, wife called her dad...can`t contact her aunts in other parts of the area yet though, her dad now has power so he can stay warm but no water yet so we will refill his empties and take em over....just a sec...tremor...OK, it`s over...they tell us to expect an after shock of at least 7 within the next three days, hope they`re wrong but we`ve been shaken so much over the past two days they we almost expect it now.

The reactor stories are all over the place, no idea who to believe, so far I don`t believe anybody...hoping someone will come up with the truth sooner rather than later. We are I believe a safe distance from any reactor though wind direction of course plays a role in that.

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shaking shaking...`K, this shock is over...can`t count how many there have been, really...just too freakin many.


got a mail from my sister in law to tell us her parents were found alive...house and things gone but alive. we have no details, cell phones are still not good so we don`t really know what happened yet. I bet it`s a hair raising story though...we`ll find out later.

Seems a lot of the country is shaking now...it is very small but rare for so many laces to have quakes at the same time, least since I been here.

We ate out last night, walked by a small place near us coming home from wife`s dad`s place and decided to eat there...so some folks are trying to get back to normal in the down town area...outlying areas are a different story...we are seeing what youse are all seeing and honestly some may never recover. Sirens and choppers are off in the distance, all last night they were working...lots to do and I wouldn`t even know where to start frankly.

More later.

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what news from Hokkaido?



It's not good, I'm sorry to say. http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/8456979-earthquakes-tsunami-report-2-from-sapporo-hokkaido-japan


We continue to pray for you all and have mobilized our resources at our church to begin sending things to Japan. It feels so overwhelming now but every help, large or small will be so absolutely needed. My mind cans simply not comprehend the devastation. My heart goes out to you survivors.

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The scale of this disaster is seemingly only just now becoming vaguely apparent, Minami Sanriku has just been removed from the map, and 10000 have simply disappeared



Having seen the Asian Tsunami and the Chinese earthquake close up, I believe the scale of this is still seriously under-estimated. Missing means people who are listed as missing, fatalities are confirmed identities. The unknown is all the folks who have simply disappeared and are not yet listed either way.


From the feeds we got in realtime here from NHK via BBC WORLD, CNN INTL (asia region) and AL JAZEERA it was always obvious that the toll would be huge. Watching the tsunami crossing flat coastal farmland like an express train and carrying a large ship at its crest made it obvious that there could be few survivors in coastal towns even allowing for the warning time. 10km is a long way to get away especially when everyone else is going the same way. I was continually surprised by commentators from the US and Europe that seemed unaware of the scale or those video feeds.


This will be a very long story and need government and individuals to make extraordinary efforts.

May their gods be with them in this time of trouble.

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Just heard the US ships are moving away from Japan. They can detect radiation.

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan was about 100 miles (160 kilometers) offshore when it detected the radiation.




As the USS RR is a nuclear powered ship, it's probably to keep the monitoring stats within limits

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particularly the US media

the difference is coverage style is noticable to say the least

we're still sending prayers for all affected



target audience determines content a lot more than truth these days..............like the glorious democratic revolutions so much admired and misinterpreted.

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just wondering if ACclarke has anything to add to his thread from up north.



Managed to get out to some of my friends east of here today. The tsunami warning was in effect until about 10pm last night, so all coastal roads were blockaded. The news is good, in that no one died. Bad in that just about everyone has suffered significant property damage - homes and shops had a lot of water run through them, and a lot of boats got washed in. Worst of it is that the oyster beds that support the economy seem to have been destroyed, or at least seriously damaged - and that scenerio has played out along the coast from nemuro to hakodate, and aomori south to tokyo with everything from konbu to crabs. Been trying not to think what that means for the next few months.


Outside of my immediate area here in the east, I don't have much news. Most of what we've been getting is national coverage. I know that Urakawa got hit fairly hard, the port in Hiroo was damaged, and I have heard that the area around Erimo (hokkaido's southern pointy bit, which is where the mountains meet the sea) took a fair amount of infrastructure damage. For the most part, that means houses and boats - the only things in most of those towns. In comparison, it's all pretty inconsequential. They've been taking donations down at city hall, food and blood and blankets and cash, and they've also got some calls for volunteers coming up - but of course there's no way in to your area from here, at least not yet.


Other than that: I've managed to get in contact with a few people. Couple of friends of mine are holed up at a school in Hitatchi, and the lads in Hachinohe made it to shelter. It's frustrating as hell, my instinct is to load up the truck with supplies and drive down - but that's just not possible.


Got emergency provisions in at work today. Apparently a notice was sent out to prepare for something over the next week. In the past, whenever Sendai got hit, we'd be shaking a week or so later. So... yeah. Taking things off the high shelves, and then taking off the shelves right now. Spent the evening at work doing the same. Gas rationing has started, but no one is complaining.


All for now, bud. Stay safe.

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the still small voice of calm.

Thanks Sean.

There is enough nuclear panic going on in mainstream media already.



Seriously... They're talking to any moron who will spout off about nuclear disaster but they're not talking to nuclear engineers.


There's a guy over on HardForum.com who's uername is actually Nuc_E (Because that's the degree he holds) who's been keeping things calm over there.


I'm no expert by any stretch, but I'll sum of the gist of what he's had to say. The reactors in question are BWR/3 type with a Mark I containment system. They're dumping sea water into the reactors to cool things down. That'll keep them from blowing. However, the reactors themselves will take on more damage due to the seawater being used to cool it rather than its own cooling system which would have been powered by the now-non-functioning power grid.

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