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VHT Special 6

Will Chen

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Hey FG, do you know where to get one? I have MAJOR gas for this thing! Love it, sounds phenominal!



I've seen it on eBay and Amazon but stock is currently limited. They've got a dealer listing on the VHT home page to search for stores which carry their line of products.

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I reviewed the Classic 6 a while back as well. IMHO, the Special 6 is the one to get especially considering the lower price.

I've seen it on eBay and Amazon but stock is currently limited. They've got a dealer listing on the VHT home page to search for stores which carry their line of products.



Yeah I called the nearest place to me, and no dice. We'll keep trying.....hopefully such a cool amp at that price point will take off in popularity. Thanks Will!

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I just tried the VHT Classic 6 today and while I was impressed with the amp I would say get the Special 6. It has more features and is about $150 to $200 less than the Classic 6. The Classic 6 has a darker sound to it than the Special 6 and does not have a boost function or pedal to accompany it whereas the Special 6 does. The Classic 6 also does not have an attenuator so if you want overdrive you have to blast the amp halfway or at full volume to get good overdrive. It has a good clean sound to it but as you turn it halfway you some pretty good vintage overdriven sounds. Nothing high gain so don't expect it to sound like a Marshall Class 5 or anything in that category. You can't go wrong with either one but I like my amps to have a good overdrive and gain and the Special 6 seems to have that. The Special 6 is also brighter sounding based on what I heard in the video and I think it is self biasing as well, so you can switch between American and British tubes. The dealer I deal with can get me either one and they just got a Classic 6 in today when I was in the shop. Nice amp but I say get the Special 6 instead

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I'm trying to decide between one of these, a Vox Lil Night Train and a Blackstar HT-5 or 1.


Well all those amps are completely different from each other. I have the HT-5 head and have heard many clips of the other you mentioned

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Well all those amps are completely different from each other. I have the HT-5 head and have heard many clips of the other you mentioned



So what would be the strengths of the VHT vs. Blackstar vs. Vox Lil Night Train?

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So what would be the strengths of the VHT vs. Blackstar vs. Vox Lil Night Train?


Didn't care for Night Train at all.


I would take Blackstar HT-5 over VHT Special 6 Ultra only if very hi-gain sound would be priority.

For all other tones I prefer Ultra by a long shot :thu:

And it can deliver pretty nice, hi-gain tone on it's own too, but not

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So what would be the strengths of the VHT vs. Blackstar vs. Vox Lil Night Train?


I only have the Blackstar and the other two have heard many clips and saw what was on paper. The Lil' Night Train sounded bright and thin to my ears. The VHT sounds less compressed and open vs

the Blackstar it has the low watt and half power feature. I love my Ht-5 for higher gain stuff and you can get it to sound great at a reasonable volume. The cleans aren't great that is where I believe the

VHT would win over it. I will pick up the Special 6 Ultra soon as well as the Jet City Jca20h

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So what would be the strengths of the VHT vs. Blackstar vs. Vox Lil Night Train?



I was dead set on the Lil Night Train, I thought it sounded good, looked great, was small enough for my bedroom playing needs. Then I tried the Jet City 20 watt stack. It really blew the LNT out of the water for the same price. Plus, even at really low volume, you can get some pretty good sounding classic rock/blues sounding overdrive out of it, and if you need it loud, it delivers. I personally can't recommend the JCA enough, even if you're comparing it against the little 5 watters and less.

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I was dead set on the Lil Night Train, I thought it sounded good, looked great, was small enough for my bedroom playing needs. Then I tried the Jet City 20 watt stack. It really blew the LNT out of the water for the same price. Plus, even at really low volume, you can get some pretty good sounding classic rock/blues sounding overdrive out of it, and if you need it loud, it delivers. I personally can't recommend the JCA enough, even if you're comparing it against the little 5 watters and less.


Good to hear

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At that price (for a 7-watter), you are definitely in cork-sniffer territory. Since the stinger is about five times the price of the VHT, I hardly think it's a valid point of comparison...



Who's comparing? I just want to know if he has tried it out and what his thoughts were because of his ample experience.


Not even considering the price, they are completely different animals and there are always customers for every price point.

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