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Video Demo of My TWO Black & Pink Hello Kittycasters.


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I enjoyed your demo.


Great sounds! I like the sound of both guitars a lot. The black one has a nice clarity to it and the pink one sounds really warm and big.


I also have a black one and a pink one. They're both stock.


They both play really well. Kind of a slim profile neck with a flat-ish radius. The fret ends are sharp and sticking out a little but thats an easy fix.


I take 'em to gigs and they're always a big hit! :cool:



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Yeah. The thing is, it's definitely true that the stock humbucker is a weak point, objectively speaking. With distortion, it really has a lot of assyness around the edges. But you know what, I kind of like it. It seems to fit the guitar very well.


I love the TB-5 on this guitar, though. I have no clue what I was thinking when I bought that pickup, it's not what I would have bought for myself if I were shopping now. For a while I hated it, since I dislike high-output pickups (and for me, anything above a Tele bridge is high-output). One day, though, I decided to put it in parallel instead of series and I ended up loving the pickup a great deal. It definitely sounds a lot more suitable for my choppy chord playing now.


I haven't properly intonated the pink one because it came with 9s and I wanted to test them out before deciding whether I want to swap them to 10s like I have on most of my guitars, that's also part of why it sounds off. The black one is properly intonated and the strings are 10s so obviously it starts from there.


The Invader will probably make it scream. You might want a tone control, though. I have a stacked pot in there so I just needed to enlarge the hole slightly with a reamer. Was easy.

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They both play really well. Kind of a slim profile neck with a flat-ish radius. The fret ends are sharp and sticking out a little but thats an easy fix.

Thanks. Yeah, I've had three of these guitars now, and the first one, well, I really didn't know what to look for. The neck sucked on that one, in retrospect, and I often put other necks on it. A Jazzmaster neck worked pretty well, I remember, but I didn't like the rosewood so much.


These two Kittycasters I currently have, though, the neck has clearly been dressed by a tech before me, so the necks are pristine and very, very straight. The profile is perfect for my little hands. Although it's a bit thicker than some of my guitar necks (Mustang and Jaguar have extremely thin necks), somehow this neck feels easier to wrap my hands around to get that thumb action going. You know what I mean?


That guitar looks small on me but it really looks like a toy on you. Hah.


The beauty of these guitars is that you can't lose money on these. I bought my first one used for about $120, I was able to sell it for about $180, and it's not even in good shape.

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The beauty of these guitars is that you can't lose money on these. I bought my first one used for about $120, I was able to sell it for about $180, and it's not even in good shape.

I bought mine for $150.00 each.

I'm surprised what they're going for on Ebay now. :eek:


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That gig bag! I wish I had it! I'm sure it sucks like most entry-level Fender gig bags, though. Their deluxe ones are fine but some Fender gig bags are terrible. I've got one where there's actually no padding on the headstock region.


I suppose that's the beauty of supply and demand. Now that it's been a few years, many people kind of want one, and there's dwindling supply, and many of the surviving members are in bad shape or hacked up (like mine was, oops). AND EVEN THEN... I still sold it at a profit.

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I bought mine for $150.00 each.

I'm surprised what they're going for on Ebay now.



oh wow, i got mine "cheap" for $320 AUD (guitars in Australia are.. or were anyway, pretty much double the USD) so thats like selling mine for $700 now! :eek:


maybe i shouldnt change the HB...

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