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New From Fender, Pawnshop Series '51, '72, Mustang

Rick 381

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Given how much love the Squier 51 gets, I'm not surprised that Fender would find a way to bring that design into their standard product line. I like the designs, but not thrilled about the 3-bolt design on the '72. Personally I'd prefer a fatter neck, but that's just me.


Now I'm wondering when Fender's gonna wise up and offer a production-line La Cabronita. Certainly seen enough home-built jobbies to know there's a market for that sucker out there.



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what the {censored} is this, you know?


for me, they look kind of {censored}ed up, but I gotta admit that mustang with the wide range pups is interesting looking..


are these made in mexico, or possibly japan? probably mexico..


they sure know how to take a tempting picture.




honestly not sure whether to pick it up or lay on top of it.

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800.00 for a 51?? Come on people. As much as I love my 51 there is no way in hell I would fork over that kind of money for a made in Mexico copy of the Squier original. The price has to be an April fools gag.



People have been paying $950 for the MIM Road Worn series ....

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People have been paying $950 for the MIM Road Worn series ....



People whine about Gibson's prices but where is the MIA Blender for under $500.00. The 51 would have been the perfect chance to make a inexpensive MIA guitar instead of a bloated import.

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That is really nice. I would love one of those, but $800???



The '65 Mustang is $939, and yeah, it's really really really nice and it's Japanese, but I think $800 isn't a bad price for something that's probably not gonna sell that well.


It is really a modder's dream, though. Three 3-way switches gives you all the options you need.

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It is {censored}ed up. It makes it look like a Mustang copy instead of a Mustang.

Notice, I've said here and the other thread, I actually like this guitar a lot.

But it's kind of like Mustang meets Jagstang meets Strat.

It's smaller all around.



I don't know that you can compare the web pix like you're doing. Sometimes those pix get stretched out or otherwise distorted. Unless you have definitive confirmation from Fender that the bodies will be different, I wouldn't put too much stock into comparison of guitar bodies based on jpegs.


I'd find it highly unlikely that Fender has drastically altered the body.


Of course, if you want to keep on being all dramatic, go for it.

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I don't know that you can compare the web pix like you're doing. Sometimes those pix get stretched out or otherwise distorted. Unless you have definitive confirmation from Fender that the bodies will be different, I wouldn't put too much stock into comparison of guitar bodies based on jpegs.

I'd find it highly unlikely that Fender has drastically altered the body.

Of course, if you want to keep on being all dramatic, go for it.




It's definitely different. The curves are different.

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Not that they are fake, but this would be the day for someone to go through all of trouble of doing this. Since when does musician's friend using anthing but stock photos to promote guitars? Workshop and music store backdrops? I could understand if it was a custom shop piece being displayed in the custom shop with clear indications to that point, but this rings of foolery.

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