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schecter hellraiser c-7 fr...for A$450?


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found a guy who's willing to sell this guitar for A$450. not really a 7-string person; but the specs look good (OFR-7, EMG 707 with coil split, mahogany body+neck; only bummer seems that it's made in korea). is there a catch (in terms of build quality, etc), or should I hit it? because there are couple of other listings for around the same price (a musicman s.u.b. 1, and an ibanez pgm with emgs), and i don't exactly *need* a 7-string (though the extra B might come in handy for complex chords or what not)

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Have you played one?


The main thing that stops me from like any of the Schecter 7-strings I've tried is the neck profile. Don't mind their 6-string stuff, but I just can't get used to their 7-string necks. :idk: If it's an online thing or something and you won't get to play that guitar before putting down the cash, I'd say try find one in a store to see what you think.



P.S. It's not a matter of me not being used to 7-string necks in general... I own four 7-strings and have been playing 7s for probably 10 years now.

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