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Played an 8 string today


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I stopped by Guitar Center today and had the guy get me the RG2228 to play. I've been listening to a lot of different music which has made me want to get an 8 string, so I figured I better try one out before hand.


I honestly can't believe how awesome it felt. I've read that people initially have difficulty or experience an adjustment period when going to 7 or 8 strings. It felt completely natural to me, maybe more natural than a six string. The neck felt just right. My hand is naturally put into the "correct" position. I think barre chords are easier on it than a six string. I think the fact that I have huge hands has something to do with that. I love the really wide fretboard. It lets me stretch my hand and fingers all the way out and feels great.


Now to move something so I can afford it :facepalm:

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RGA8s are cool, but examine one closely, if you're going to buy it. There have been a few issues with them (mainly in the neck & fretboard). Also, if you do get an RGA8, don't be surprised if the pickups (like most lower end Ibbys), are a little on the muddy side tonewise. Most of the people I know on the 7-string guitar forum, who have RGA8s, end up replacing the pickups with a set of Bareknuckles, SD Blackouts, EMG808s, or Lundgrens.

Me? If I ever get an 8 (I already have a 7-string), I might get a Schecter.

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I've been thinking about Agile. I really like fret markers though. I guess if comes down $500-1000 vs fret markers, I'll take the cash.

Hoping to trade for an Ibanez RGA8 maybe.


You get used to having no inlays on the fretboard in no time. You'll still have the side markers to go by. I don't have any problems jumping between my main 7 (only a 12th fret inlay) and the rest of my guitars. What screwed me up was my old Edwards with the vine inlay. You'd think they'd design it so that there's say, a leaf at the 12th fret, so that while still looking fancy it had some kind of function in the design.... Nooooooo... leaf is at the {censored}ing 13th fret. Threw me off all the {censored}ing time. :mad:

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