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Agile AL-3100 vs Vintage AV1HNF


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I just got 2 Agiles this week, an AL3000 and an AL3100. Both are phenominal guitars. Binding one the 3100 I have is a little sloppy near the neck joint but its on the bottom end of the guitar so I never see it. Both play excellent though and aren't as heavy as I was expecting. I've never played a Vintage but you can't go wrong with an Agile.

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Frets and Charles own Vintages. Frets did some demo vids. You might find them with the search function.



That's kind of a drawback to the name- searching for "vintage guitar" nets all kinds of results that aren't related to those specific guitars.

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They're probably made in the same factory:-)


I subscribe to Guitar and Bass (UK) and Guitarist (UK) and I've been reading their reviews of various Vintage models for years. They look killer, and they consistently get great reviews, especially since Trev Wilkinson has been involved with their design. I even like the looks of their faux-aged LP style guitars!


Agile is the darling of HCEG and some of their models look like custom shop beauties. The specs on the higher priced models are pretty impressive too.


Close call, but there's absolutely no way to intelligently decide unless you buy one of each, play them for a few months, and then sell the one that you like the least.


Here's a review of one of Vintage's Strat-alikes from Guitar and Bass (.pdf)




Another review of their SG:




Lots more info here:



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Frets and Charles own Vintages. Frets did some demo vids. You might find them with the search function.



And Marc ... who actually has two: the same 'Lemon Drop' LP-alike of which I am a happy-bunny owner, plus a rather nice Stratty thing.


As for 'Agile v Vintage' ... I guess it's down to local availability and pricing. In Yurp, we don't see Agiles at all at any price (in fact, I'd never even HEARD of them before joining this forum), and Vintages are very sharply priced indeed. In the US, Agiles are plentiful, familiar and affordable, whereas Vintages are comparatively rare beasts.

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It would be a mistake to spend serious money on any guitar without trying it first.


I agree with earlier posters, Vintage guitars get some very good reviews. From what I've read elsewhere they sometimes need a good setup.

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It would be a mistake to spend serious money on any guitar without trying it first.

I agree with earlier posters, Vintage guitars get some very good reviews. From what I've read elsewhere they sometimes need a good setup.




Did it with my last purchase, 3k on a ibanez jem, but I trust ibanez prestige. Wouldn't do that with Gibson.

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