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New Guitar Day


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I got a 1981 Gibson Sonnex last week, I know its not true until I take photos so I waited to post till i got around to it. It is pretty sweet. A little on the heavy side but I am a big guy so its ok. I love the black and white humbuckers and I think its an awesome looking design. It feels great to play and its in very good condition. It also came with the original case :cool:








Now i just got to learn how to play

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...had one of the 180's, black like yours...the pickups are zebra Dirty Fingers, real nice high-output humbuckers...the body is called "Resinwood"...plastic, but molded around a wood core...


...mine got stolen about 2 weeks after I got it...still want it back...

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not too familiar with that particular guitar, but it sure looks cool! I think I dig it.

what's the story on it? is it basically a les paul with a funky pickguard or is other stuff different? does it have a 24.75 scale? is it expensive?



they're kinda similar to a Junior with a bolt neck...flatter neck angle than an LP, 24.75" scale, fast neck...I think I got mine for 250 in '81...they were a starter instrument...

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More like particle board/mdf, if memory serves (and it often doesn't). There were not one, but two of those in a pawn shop in southern WV for years with $1000 price tags on 'em (each!). When I inquired - "...it's a Gibson..."

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I saw the guitar on ebay, but I dont have a paypal account... then I saw it was at a music store in my area code. After doing some research I found the store and they said I could buy it outright for $700 and theyd take the listing offline. I got to play it before hand which is the main reason I don't like buying instruments online so it was really a good selling point for me. They are starter guitars but they are maid in America, have solid knobs, a clean input, a straight neck that felt great to me. Also some of the paint had worn off the back of the neck and it was a solid piece of wood, some reviews I saw online said it was particleboard or a bunch of shavings, maybe if I take a larger section of the paint off Ill see some sections glued, but this was 1 solid piece. Also I saw it had quality tuners and a really nice looking bridge. The only thing that Gibson skimped on on this guitar was the wood on the body, and they save some money by making it a bolt on. The guitar felt much better than any Epiphone les paul copy I've tried or those made in indonesia modern Gibsons melody makers and such. Also I prefer the weight of this guitar too.

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jay giles band,he used his trusty GIBSON SONEX for years!! seen him in toledo,ohio round 1978-79? i was like,WOW!! i want one of those sonex!! i ran right out to a local music store,DURDELS MUSIC,juices flowing,i was like 15-yrs old,and {censored}tzz,THERE SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! A SILVERBURST wit the zebra pups,case,etc... i think bac then it had a HEFTY PRICE OF $349.00+TAX.hell to a poor +pimple faced teen,it may as well been $3000.00!!! LOL,seriously evan 3-400.00 dollas was alot back then for any guitar...

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