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i am cheap and know very little


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my husband wants a drum set for xmas. we dont have very much money and my budget was to spend less the $400. I have therefore purchased a TJ Percussion set that includes the basic 5 piece set (all 10+ lugs) hi hat simbol stool and peday and includes a 1 yr warranty. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this brand/price range/quality....

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Sounds like a smaller outfit...my first kit was a royce; im guessing its around the same quality. If you go higher-end, 400 wont get you much anyhow, its a good starting point. Has he played before?? Or is this something he decided he'd like to do??

...at least its got a one year warranty; thats a good thing.

If he's relatively new to drumming, he should be happy just to get a set. :D I was happy to get mine. :D

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Never heard of that brand either but like everyone said, any set is better than no set. If he likes it and wants to upgrade in a few years you can always go used or save up for a new kit then.


It's a very smart idea to go economical first. You never know if someone is going to take to it seriously. There's no sense in spending big bucks on something that may collect dust after a couple months of use.

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i remember my first kit, my parents paid for the first 150 of it for my birthday, and i payed another 500 over a year and a half mowing lawns. I had already gotten a snare drum and i had practiced that thing to death for about 3 years. so my parents decided they would let me get a drum kit. There was something about having to pay for it that really kept me going on it. If i had to mow that many lawns i figure i better play that thing for all it's worth. I ended up getting my new set like 4 years later. Which is my DW drum kit. It was a pretty big jump from my Pulse drum kit. But i learned alot on it.

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Originally posted by armitage787

i remember my first kit, my parents paid for the first 150 of it for my birthday, and i payed another 500 over a year and a half mowing lawns. I had already gotten a snare drum and i had practiced that thing to death for about 3 years. so my parents decided they would let me get a drum kit. There was something about having to pay for it that really kept me going on it. If i had to mow that many lawns i figure i better play that thing for all it's worth. I ended up getting my new set like 4 years later. Which is my DW drum kit. It was a pretty big jump from my Pulse drum kit. But i learned alot on it.


That's awesome, man. There are so many newbies out there who underbudget because they can't scratch up an extra couple hundred bucks, which when you really think of it isn't all that much. Sure it means work and sacrifice, but it makes the payoff that much more sweet. It's especially irritating when the person who can't scrape up the money is a kid living at home without any bills to pay.


Anyway, congratulations on proving the point that anybody can get a decent kit if they know how to set a goal and have a little discipline! :D

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