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I'm looking to get a china but not sure what size to get. When I was getting a crash I was told to buy in size intervals like 16,18,20. Does this still apply to chinas? Right now I have a Sabian AA 16" thin crash, Sabian AA 18" medium crash, and Sabian B8 Pro 20" ride. What size china should I get? Also how are Wuhans compared to Sabian quality and sound wise?



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I picked out an 18" Wuhan china and I love it. 18" are pretty common, I wouldn't really worry about the size of your other crashes because chinas sound soooooo different from crashes. The larger the china the louder it's gonna be so it kinda depends on how much volume you want from it.


Personally, I think Wuhans are a much better deal and sound pretty cool. They are trashier and nastier sounding behind a kit but in a live situation with other instruments going they sound terrific. I saw this jazz drummer in town and he was using his china a lot and it sounded so cool. When I got up close to see which brand it was, I noticed it was an 18" Wuhan.


One downfall is that Wuhans tend to break easily if you hit real hard because they are thinner....but I have a friend that cracked a 20" Z Custom china within a few months of owning it. If you hit hard you might wanna turn it upside down, whatever the brand because it's the shoulder that tends to break.


If you don't hit hard, they sound really nice rightside up (like a crash). Ever since I saw that jazz dude play his china rightside up, I went home and flipped my over. I think it sounds so much better in that position.... I haven't broken it yet and I play in a punk band. Just a firm tap and viola, pure beauty.


It's all a matter of taste. Some people hate Wuhans, some love them. All you can do is try them out at your local drumshop if you can.

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Blah, I disagree about Wuhans breaking easily. I bought a 20" Wuhan for $62 delivered to my house. I play in a Death Metal band and I hit my China a LOT and I hit it hard, I don't have it on cymbal springs or anything... I haven't seen so much as a scratch in the thing. I'm not sure what other brands are like, but mine is by no means thin and flimsy, it's thick and rings out quite a bit (WHich I thought was going to be bad, but when the band is playing all you hear is the initial blast and then instant decay).


I'll not suggest anything but a Wuhan China to any drummer who asks.








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Originally posted by santi

the best china i've ever heard is an 18" b8(not b8 pro). weird.


Back 10 years ago I was in the market for a china I picked out 4 in the store. I closed my eyes and had the clerk hit the china's I left with the Sabian B8 Pro. I liked the thrashy sound and I saved some cash

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