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how much space does an electric kit take up?


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next year i may be in a little dorm room and im thinking of getting the cheapest smallest electric kit i can find (hart prodigy?). so anyways, i dont care if it takes up my whole room as long as it fits so about how much space would you say it will take up?

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it won't take up any more space than a normal drumkit. whatever e-kit you get will not be bigger than a normal 5 pc kit. they are nice, but why don't you just take your acoustic drums and get those drum conversion head things? then when you play out just change the heads?

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Yeah dude, they are alot smaller than a 5 piece. The pads are usually only 8 inches, as apposed to a 14in snare plus your 14 or 16in floor tom. I had a friend do the same thing your doing. What he did is just left the kit set up, and folded the arms of the rack in and threw the whole kit under his bed when he wasn't using it (His bed was kinda elevated a bit though). He had a Roland V-CLub kit, which the Hart kit is a bit bigger, but that might work for you too. If you have a closet, that might work.



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Originally posted by stapes2260

any college guy knows there's no way in hell you are going to fit a drum kit in a dorm room. It's not logistically possible, i'd come up with a plan B.



i had enough room in my dorm room... but i had my own room. I even had a couch in there.

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