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I'd like to see Neil Peart sing....

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I don't mean like fronting a song (although that would be nice! :D). I mean more like backing vocals here and there. Some Rush songs have some great 3 piece harmonies or extra parts that are sometimes played by samples or ignored totally live.


I bet the audience would {censored} in their pants if Neil suddenly shouted out "We are young!" along with Alex in "Dreamline" or joined in on some of the great 3 piece parts in "Ceiling unlimited", "Ghost Rider", etc.


He's an amazing drummer as it is....and this would add that edge to live Rush concerts.......dontcha think?





Hey maybe we can start one of those cool online petitions! :D

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Originally posted by gspointer

geddy play drums? he already plays bass, keyboard pedals and sings at the same time, I think he's pretty well maxed out

Oh it's Rush.....of they want to add a second drummer they'd find a way.


They'd probably tell Alex to finger tap all his guitar parts and hold a drumstick in his other hand (note: his feey are occupied with keys pedals) and try to keep up with Neil. :D



But back to the issue. Why won't he sing?

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Originally posted by Scheming Demon

It would probably be very cool. My guess would be he doesn't have a good singing voice. He's also doing quite a bit as a drummer in a lot of songs which also doesn't lend itself to backing vocals.

Hey.....isn't your moniker from "A Farewell to Kings"? :D


You know...."Scheming Demon dressed in kingly guise...."? :D


Anyway. I know that drummers aren't usually inclined to sing. I get the idea that he doesn't have a very high pitch range. But I think his best excuse would be that his kit just won't allow a mic stand. I mean, it's so huge, and he's hitting everything in sight, and he's rotating and hitting stuff all around.



I really wish he'd fill in on someof those parts though. Hearing samples sounds so.....cold.

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Originally posted by pconn171

neil wrote it - geddy sung it - he told it in an interview - he said that there was a great deal of effects on it - but believe it or not - it was him



This is true. I read and interview with Neil where he talks about it. They were going to have some raper do it I forget who Ice Tea or someone... then they were going to have John Cleese do it as a joke... in the end Geddy did it with a ton of effects.

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Originally posted by pconn171

neil wrote it - geddy sung it - he told it in an interview - he said that there was a great deal of effects on it - but believe it or not - it was him



That's pretty interesting. But when you A/B it with the speaking voice on The Necromancer it sounds almost the like the same person!!!





So it IS possible for Ged to sound more...."manly". Not that I'm saying that is isn't manly already......but there's scope for improvement. :D

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