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Kit size help


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Hey guys...I'm in the market for a new drumset, leaning towards Conaway. Anyway, currently I have a standard size kit but I might be interested in getting a jazz-style kit. It will mainly be used for recording and I've heard that smaller kits record better than larger kits. I need a nice, tight bass and snare sound...just really tight and punchy. Suggestions?

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well since keller makes birch shells, i imagine conaway can get them for a kit. I'd imagine a 20x18 maple bass drum and birch toms in traditional depths would make a "tight" and "punchy" kit, and the maple would aid the 20" bass with low end a bit more than the birch.

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Originally posted by snaresmacker

go for slightly shallower rack toms: (depth x diam.)....

8x10, 9x12, 11x14, etc.

...but keep the "deep" floor toms (in my opinion).....

16x16, etc.


Get a Yamaha Beech kit. Beech is like maple and birch in one. Or you could get a kit from OCDP, Phattie or Pearl and have the shells made out of BOTH maple and birch. Birch inner / maple outter would sound nice.

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