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MD says Mike Mangini broke Art Verdi's traditional grip record of 1116 singles

Ted S

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...at Berklee to be exact. I wish I had gone there instead of this stupid computer degree route. Unless you get lucky though, playing music doesn't pay the bills. So here I sit, in my boring little cube, and wait for retirement in 40 years!











No...I'm not bitter...

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Originally posted by CoolDrum3

...at Berklee to be exact. I wish I had gone there instead of this stupid computer degree route. Unless you get lucky though, playing music doesn't pay the bills. So here I sit, in my boring little cube, and wait for retirement in 40 years!

No...I'm not bitter...

WOW that was depressing

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I've never understood the WFD contests. To me drums are musical instruments, not some kind of sport. I just don't get it. My reaction is basically "so what".


(not that I could do it, but I have no desire to focus so much energy on such a narrow part of playing).


Anyway, good for him, I guess. I'm sure the record will be broken again in a week or two.

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