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Fiberskyns on kit drums?


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I liked them a lot actually, but they are a fairly thin head.


I've thought about purchasing a set of them just to record with....if I ever get to play again, that is....the way it's looking, I'm going to wind up going electric with the entire kit, except the cymbals.





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Originally posted by Fafnir777

I liked them a lot actually, but they are a fairly thin head.

I've thought about purchasing a set of them just to record with....if I ever get to play again, that is....the way it's looking, I'm going to wind up going electric with the entire kit, except the cymbals.






You can get them in sizes thicker than 2ply. Just order them with F1 in the serial number. Mine are FA sized, as thick as 2ply.

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yeah ,


i actually have a Fiberskyn 3 FA head on the batter side of my custom maple snare and i absolutely love it man . i'm not sure on other types of wooden drums but on my maple snare it has an incredible warmth that i haven't found from any other head yet for it .. from what i have seen of them in the past they have been used primarily on latin percussion drums (ex. congas,matadors,bongos ..) but hey it works great for snares too in my book ..



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A while back I bought this old kit that had some of the original real calf skin heads still on the drums. I thought they sounded really WHOMPY and cool. I tried the fiberskyns as replacement heads for the ones that were missing. I hated them. They didn't sound like calf skin heads when compared to the real deal.


I then bought the real skin (goat) heads that are advertised in Musicians Friend. Earthtone heads. Anyway those heads were very cool and fit exactly with the other old leather. I got the whole kit settled and tuned and was practicing every night. This winter it got very cold and very dry, as usual I checked the tension on all my heads and made the proper adjustments using the Tama Tension Watch. But still I poped two of the Earthtone heads. This was just practicing and not even giging. This totally changed my thinking on real leather on a giging kit. Cool sound if your kit lived in a climate controlled studio and everything was miced. I have the heads in storage.


I then saved up and replaced every head, batter and resonator with Aquarian heads. I picked the medium coated Modern Vintage for all the toms and the snare heads. Standard clears for resonators. For the kick I got the clear Super Kick II. I forgot what the resonator is called but it's black with a 4" hole.


I really like the set-up. Not the dead whomp of calf skin but a more lively whomp that holds a variety of tunings and stays tuned. I've had them on for 6 months and I'm still happy. Great dynamics too. They sound great with blastics and also great when I smack the hell out of them with regular sticks.


Sends me a PM and if I can find the Fiberskyns and they fit your kit I'll send them to you. I think I have a 12 and 14 lying around but I'll have to look. I know I'll never use them again but they may work for you.


Check out the Aquarian Modern-Vintage heads.



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