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rockpro vs. rockstar


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I am looking at a Taye rock pro and the Tama rockstar. Any suggestions, the sales people have me confused. This set will be our first set. The rockpro is cheaper, but not enough to sway our decision because of cost.


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I honestly cannot tell you which is better. Drums are acoustic instruments. You tell which is better by listening. Everything else is just hype. I haven't played any of the newer lower priced kits. They have been getting better every year, because the competition in this market is pretty fierce. The rockstars have been replaced after many successful years with a new line which will be in stores shortly. So prices on rockstars have never been better. The best thing to do is "comparison" shop by listening to different kits (of all price ranges) being played to educate your ear and then decide what sounds best in your budget range.


You can change the sound of drums to an extent by tuning and head changes, but, except--to a small extent--for muffling, you cannot change the fundamental sound of the shell which is determined by its size and what its made of. It is the sound of the shell which comes after the initial attack that you want to listen for.

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Thanks for your reply. This forum has been a treasure chest of information. I am new to drums, and am trying to help my son choose a set so that we won't have to buy another one in a year or two. I want a nice set so he does not come home and say ours is not very nice compared to the one at school!

I wish these two drums were side by side so I could hear them at the same time. My ear is not as seasoned to hear the different adjectives you use here on the forum to compare drums.

I have only been up close and personable to a few brands in the last month. I have not seen a Pacific FS or CX yet! Can't find one within my area. I can read and study all I want, but not being a drummer is a real disadvantage.

I am really getting into this! In fact, my son has been giving me snare lessons for about two weeks.

We are leaning towards the rockstar because of the magazine award it won. For fifty bucks more, maybe it's the right move. On the other hand things may look different another day!



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I have a RockPro as one of my kits right now....and I wouldn't buy another one. I've been having some problems with this kit (the floor tom brackets keep stripping) and part of the kick spur is loose (not a screw, but a metal on metal connection). I've tried emailling Taye for their customer service, but got no reply....if I had your choice, I would definently shell out the $50 extra and get a Tama kit! Guarenteed it'll hold up better and the re-sale would probably be higher.

- mike

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