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paragon crash


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Since I've expanded the toms about as far as I can (6" thru 18") I decided to start paying attention to my lack of cymbals. I wanted a second crash that would be close to the 16" Xs20 I have so they could accent each other.


After trying all the clips on the sabian and zildjian sites to get an idea where to look for a solution when I go to the store (does Paiste have online samples?I Couldn't find any so I cut them out of my search for a new cymbal) I liked the way the 16" paragon sounded.


I walked to the music store and took one home along with a new boom stand (enough with the clamps all over my other boom, I have 3 cymbals and a cowbell hanging off one stand).


You know that feeling of magic when you're looking for a certain sound and there's so much to choose from you don't know where to begin, then you hit one cymbal and the room goes dark with a spotlight shining brightly on that one hunk of metal....that's where I'm at right now.

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good for you! i saw a drummer using the Paragon 22" ride at a concert a few nights ago. What great, musical rock cymbals. He was really putting that ride through the motions too- riding, crashing, whacking the bell, etc. Every sound he got out of it was just perfect. Everything I would want in a rock cymbal.


Apparently the ride weighs in at 8 pounds. I forget where I heard that.

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