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Pork Pie "Little Squealer" 7x13 snare, thoughts please.


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So I just bought this thing and I would like some feedback or reviews. My other snares are the Mapex Saturn 5.5x14 and a Ludwig LM402 6.5x14 steel. I use the

Remo reverse dot for the Mapex and the coated emperor for the LM402. So I wanted a nice tight sound (Hip-Hop tight). I think that is accomplished with a deep 13 or 12 snare. Anyway, what do you think for heads and the snare overall?:thu:

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Well, I don't have a Little Squealer, but I DO have a 7x13 10-ply maple Keller with flanged hoops, which I believe is the same exact thing :D


I have only ever used a coated Ambassador and hazy Ambassador on it with 16-strand steel snares. I actually originally had cast hoops on it and it was so dry that I switched to flanged. Pork Pie has some of the best edges in the business, and even with the sharp edges on mine, I needed as much ring as I could to make the drum sound alive. So unless you like a really dry or dead snare, try out a coated Ambassador for starters.


The snare only has two tunings that sound good: medium-tight and tight. If you loosen it up, it can't hit a low enough pitch to really make the deep shell sing like a 14". At medium tension, it's a higher pitched version of, say, a 6x14. Tightening it up a bit more, it starts to sound very alive and is a wonderful snare for cutting through a dense mix or noisy band. And the edges are wonderfully alive for those of us who like a spectrum of sound from our snares. I haven't spent too much time with tight tunings, but it gets a really tight pop with a lot of depth, just as you'd expect. The maple keeps it from getting ringy like a metal snare, and the depth gives it additional volume. PERFECT for the hip-hop sound you sound like you want.


Actually, give it a shot with a Genera HD or Powerstroke 3 on top and your regular snare side on the bottom. Try a 16-strand snare so as not to overwhelm the pop of the drum as it'll lose a bit of shell volume if you don't have the ring. Medium-tight tension top and bottom and tune up the batter to taste. Fine tune the amount of snare sensitivity by tightening or loosening the lugs on either side of the snares on the resonant head. And if it's too dry, grab an Ambassador-style, otherwise too ringy, a bit of Moongel or even a coated Emperor or Genera HD Dry. I believe ST heads accentuate the ring rather than mute it, or that's my experience anyway.


Sorry for the novel!

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Remo Emperor



Agreed. I got this same Little Squealer a month or so ago. I slapped a Remo Emporer on it and it is absolutely amazing. I have recieved many compliments on that snare and I am always ranting on to people about how amazing my snare drum is. Seriously. Amazing.

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On 12/26/2007 at 3:38 PM, Mickey66 said:

I have one pork pie snare drum and it's usa made....not like yours....it's 14x6.5 and I don't like it at all....just sits around....looks good though.

I have to agree with you. I have a mahogany/Oak drum and I’m not liking it at all, either!! It rings for days and is just annoying!!!

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