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12 string basses


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do you actually use the lower strings? cause with a fretboard like a aircraft carrier, do your hands even reach the lower strings?


i have huge hands, and i think ill have trouble playing a 7 stringer

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the ones I play- 4 funds and 8 octaves- are about the width of a 8 string- and not as wide as a six string but almost. since the octaves are quite close together it is not a issue- but I have had some issues playing full chords for a whole song (hand cramping). Now it wou are talking about the crazy one off type multistring basses- they will make you sterile- or at least bald with a long beard(maybe even a beret).

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Originally posted by LittleWoodenBoy

12 Strings in sequence is extremely uncommon. Most of the things like that are Chapman Stick-type instruments, which are played by tapping with both hands.



+1 12 in sequence would be damn near impossible... the string spacing would be ridiculous too

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Originally posted by birdboy7007

+1 12 in sequence would be damn near impossible... the string spacing would be ridiculous too



It has been done, by Adler Guitars, for Garry Goodman. There is a thread here somewhere about it. Low C# to high Eb, IIRC.


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