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J-Bass - replacement pickguard


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Based on pictures, it looks like the Fender American series replacement pickguards match the hole pattern for a MIM Std J. Is this a drop-on fit, or does it require some new holes to be drilled?

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I'm pretty sure they are different. I bought a replacement from warmoth and the holes did not match. Since I've modded my bass to hell, I just made new holes which are going to kill resale value

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There are a ton of different hole patterns so it's anyone's guess. I've replaced a few pickguards and have had to fill and drill on all of them. I think that the most holes that have ever lined up on a single pickguard is 3. Get yourself a few toothpicks, some wood puddy and you'll be gold.

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I pulled the trigger on a genunie Fender '62 tort pg and am just planning to drill some holes, if necessary. The tort should look great on my black J.


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