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I've got GAS!

Tim in WV

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it's on their website buried under about 300 other basses...heh.....I'm going to contact them and see if they can hold it for me for a downpayment. Looks to good to pass up. Love my SX but that thing gives me shivers. Oh my. :eek:

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not a bad deal. But if you really like your sx, I wouldnt bother. Fender is funny like that. If you go ahead and buy that bass, it'll either be one of the best or worst basses you've ever played. Seems kind of risky to me...

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Originally posted by Tlaloc

not a bad deal. But if you really like your sx, I wouldnt bother. Fender is funny like that. If you go ahead and buy that bass, it'll either be one of the best or worst basses you've ever played. Seems kind of risky to me...


YES YES much to risky


....quickly emails Noriko at Ishibashi......


ummm just for everyones safety maybe you could post the item number to avoid any other risk takers (cough cough) ;)


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